The Shadow Realm and Steemit

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I decided to try and host The Shadow Realm mini comicbook on Steemit. Still trying to get what the site is all about but from what I understand you can make some money in the form of crypto currency when other Steemit users like and share your blog posts. Like most artists posting work online we are all looking for places to make some money from the hours we put into the work. Appreciation is amazing but getting a few quid would be nice too! I will link my Steemit blog off all other social media and see how it goes.

As regards The Shadow Realm. I’m pretty excited to put it online, it’s a small story with the aim to hopefully get some shares and bring in a few more to follow my work. The story itself is more aimed at MMA fans and less so towards hardcore comicbook lovers, I think you need to know MMA to enjoy the story, will be interesting to see how it is received.

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